How to control anything on your phone using your voice.

Hello guys.. Today am going to be show you an easy way to control your phone using just your voice, so let’s get started.

First step: download an app called voice access.

 its free and here is the link 
so once you are done, install the app, launch it and fill all the necessary requirements, they are actually not that hard.

NOTE: if the automated setup process does not launch just go to SETTINGS>ACCESSIBILITY>VOICE ACCESS AND SWITCH THE SERVER ON.

Second step: turn on always on google, do this by: opening google apps> more> voice match> hey google.

To run the app just pull down the notification trey and tap on voice access then provide the command you’d like to execute and you’re done. You can use this app to control all the functions on your smart phone like:
1.       Make calls(hey google call mum)
2.       Open apps
3.       Send messages
4.       Send/compose emails
5.       Show notification
And many more features. Thanks for reading please like and share. #safe

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