How to make your battery last longer.

How to make your battery last longer

Heyo… guys what’s up, today I will be showing you how to make your battery life last longer than usual, by taking care of the battery.
1.       Use the POWER SAVING MODE: The quickest way to conserve battery is to use power saving mode. Lolz… to be fair I recently started using that option on my phone, and it really saves battery life.

2.       Reduce brightness level:  Ok this second step it very clear, so to reduce brightness level,
go to settings> display> brightness level.

3.       Offload un-used apps or un-frequently used apps.
4.       Turn off vibration

5.       Hide all notifications
6.       Let your screen go to sleep early (settings> display advanced settings>screen timeout) then pick a time like 30seconds.
7.       Turn off your phone when not in use.

8.       Click that subscribe button at the top.
Thanks. See you on my next post….

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