How to activate WhatsApp dark mode.

Hey. Whats up? Like the title said. Am going to show you how to turn your WhatsApp from normal mode to dark mode, just like Facebook data mode. Which I posted not too long ago. So doing this very simple. Just follow these steps.

STEP1:  Open your WhatsApp, now, it has tree colors

·         White

·         Green

·         Ugliness

So after its open, click those dots at the top, then it opens some list of options.

                STEP2:   You will see some options like

·         New group

·         New broadcast

·         WhatsApp web

·         Starred messages

·         Settings

Click on settings and move to the next step.

                STEP3: Click on the second options, nah… maybe it’s the third one. Just click on “chats”. Then it leads to another page or something. it looks like this:

                STEP3: Click on “theme” then choose”dark” and click on ok.

 Simple. Hope your WhatsApp is updated? If its not here’s a link for the update. Link:

Tnx for reading.

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