How to upload your picture on your Facebook background.

   Hello guys, what’s going on? Today I’ll be showing you how to set your picture on your Facebook background.  So lately on Facebook, I see some posts saying “to set your picture on your Facebook background, Like my profile picture, share this post to five groups, and like my page bla bla bla . And the funniest part is that tons of people will fall for the trick and share it.  That’s why in this blog, I teach you guys to not become dummies.  (But if you’ve fell for a trick like that, its normal. Only God knows how many tricks I fell for before I got saved) so now I’ll show you a legitimate way to set it, and as a bonus, how to activate Facebook dark mode.

Facebook dark mode.

This feature has been on Facebook for quite a long time, but not everybody knows about this feature. So to activate it. Follow these easy steps.
STEP 1: open your Facebook lite (Facebook LITE not normal Facebook) it should look something like this.

STEP 2: click on the menu button (Three straight lines) on the top right side

STEP 3: Read the options carefully, till you find something like this:

STEP 4: turn it on, and boom…  You are using dark mode. It should look something like this.

Add your picture to Facebook background.

The one you’ve all been waiting for, so to add your image to Facebook background, just follow these simple steps.
STEP 1: Download an app called “designer tools” link:

STEP 2: Launch it. Then scroll down a little bit, till you find an option called “markup overlay” enable the option then click on the image you like and it will be uploaded to your Facebook background. Simple, instead of diving into the world of stupidity by sharing a post, liking picture, and stuff. So a guy that’s what we have for you today, hope you enjoyed reading it! Because my fingers are killing me for typing this much... See you next time, don’t forget to share this post to those less privileged once. And also follow. Bye.

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